Metrology Focus – Q1 2024

In today’s rapidly evolving metrology landscape, staying ahead requires the latest insights and tools. At ATT Metrology Solutions, we understand the importance of precision and innovation. That’s why we are excited to share our comprehensive Q1 2024 Metrology Industry Newsletter, which you can access in full below.

This edition covers a range of critical topics from industry trends to groundbreaking technologies. Notably, we explore the expected 17% growth in the US metrology market over the next five years and the introduction of the new HandySCAN3D MAX and AS1-XL laser line scanners, which promise to enhance scanning efficiency significantly.

We also delve into the Coordinate Metrology Society’s new certification program, aimed at standardizing skill sets and promoting metrology as a valued trade skill. Additionally, learn about our revolutionary ARTEMIS™ system, the only commercially available dynamic robot accuracy solution providing sub-0.1mm full path accuracy.

Join us in navigating these exciting advancements and discover how ATT Metrology Solutions can support your precision measurement needs. Read on for detailed articles and insights embedded within the newsletter.